Game of love 💜- MAKING MISTAKES!


Start valuing the lessons your mistakes teach you. Mistakes are okay; they’re the stepping stones of progress. If you’re not failing from time to time, you’re not trying hard enough and you’re not learning. Take risks, stumble, fall, and then get up and try again. Appreciate that you are pushing yourself, learning, growing and improving. Significant achievements are almost invariably realised at the end of a long road of failures. One of the ‘mistakes’ you fear might just be the link to your greatest achievement yet.

Guru Sahib Ji tells us in Gurbaanee, everyone makes mistakes and will continue to make mistakes. The only being that does not make mistakes is Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God). 

This does not mean it's ok to make mistakes and continue making them. The sign of a Gursikh is the one who makes a mistake, recognises the mistake they've made and try's not to ever make it again. This is how we better ourselves. If we continue making the same mistakes, this means we are very far away from recognising the state of our own minds.

The True Gurmukh (Gurus Sikh) is the one that is always in control over his mind. They see the mistake before even making it. They could be tempted by their mind to fall and make mistakes but it's the power of their virtuous, meditative character that avoids them making major mistakes.

We need to recognise who we really are. If we have no faith and discipline yet just want to be good people, life will become a major struggle. Life is very difficult without being around the energy of spiritual beings (Gursikh Sangat). We always think we are in control but we are always defeated by our mind's desires and emotions.

The only cure to avoid us making mistakes is finding a True Guru, who will spiritually guide us through this terrifying world ocean. They will support us through thick and thin. They will never let us go! We just need to believe they are always close.

When we try to remember God and meditate with every breath, the mind is balanced and controlled every second of the day. Vaheguroo's name stops all negative thoughts flowing through this negative mind. All thoughts are turned to become positive with the blessing of Guru Jis Mantra.

Knowledge is being aware of what is ok to do, wisdom is knowing when not to do it!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "Everyone makes mistakes; only the Guru and the Creator are infallible. One who instructs his mind with the Guru's Teachings comes to embrace love for the Lord."

