Game of love ❤️- RESPECT YOURSELF!


Start being more polite to yourself. If you had a friend who spoke to you in the same way that you sometimes speak to yourself, how long would you allow that person to be your friend? The way you treat yourself sets the standard for others. You must love who you are or no one else will.

It's important one speaks to and loves the spirit within with the utmost respect. Until we learn how to do this, we will never be able to give the same love and respect to any other being.

When you learn how to respect yourself and love who you are, then the whole universe will do the same. This love is not a love of personal ego, it's a love of divine pride. We love our Guru, we love our uniform, we love the sangat (spiritual ones), we love the physical discipline, we love the spiritual teachings. We love everything about Sikhi. So why do we walk around as though we are insecure and not proud of what our Guru created us to be.

Guru Ji made us beautiful, he gave us the most immaculate spiritual practice. He created us to spread Sikhi and true love in to this world. This can not be done if we are not proud of who we are, If we can not teach by example or if we do not love and respect ourself. All these points are vital in ones development on this spiritual path.

Most Gursikhs I have spoken to have always said, 'since they started wearing the Gurus crown (dastaar/turban) upon their head, their confidence has escalated massively.'

So if you are a Sikh who wears a turban, it's important you learn to love and be confident in who you are. If you are not confident in the Guru's roop it means you lack love and respect for our true, blessed and pure Guru. Our Guru created us to be pure in every form, character and quality. We should not let them down. They should feel very proud of us, as we are here to mirror their purity by seeing the love of God within all.

This love, respect and confidence only comes through conquering and balancing this deluded mind with every breath of Naam meditation.

Respect yourself to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you or makes you happy!

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The treasure is deep within, O camel-like mind, but you wander around outside in doubt, searching for it.
Meeting the Perfect Guru, the Primal Being, you shall discover that the Lord, your Best Friend, is within you."

