Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- GURU'S REWARDS


So many amazing blessings can be gained from this story!

Brahmdat was a spiritual Hindu pandit (scholar), at the time of Guru Arjan Dev Ji. He had many followers and detested the Sikhi practices and morals. His followers had heard of Guru Arjan Dev Ji paatshah and wanted to go do Darshan, to see what was so special about Harmandir sahib (Golden Temple Amritsar). Brahmdat angrily uttered, "Why do you want to go see that ghristi (someone who lives in a family)? He will never find God being a Ghristi. One must renounce any family life like us." A few days later Guru sahib passed the town where Brahmdat had his Dera (place of worship).
Guru sahib was singing the shabad,
'Rasna gun gopaal nidh gaain, Shaant Sehaj rehas mann upjio, sagle dookh palaain.' (My tongue sings the Praises of the Lord of the world, the ocean of virtue).

Brahmdat was transfixed by the bani (Gods word). He listened, as it pierced his heart. That same day he gave permission to his followers to go and have Darshan (blessed vision) of Guru sahib Ji. They said, 'We will arrive in time of Asa ki vaar.' Bhramdat repeated, 'Under no circumstances should you listen to all of Asa ki vaar. Just stay for a short while. If you listen to all of it then you will never come back to this life again, as the baani is so pure.' The pandits sat in Darbaar sahib (congregation hall) listening. As they tried to get up and leave, Guru sahib gave a sign for them to sit back down and listen until smaapti (end).

They were stubborn and got up and left. As they were walking out, Khusro (son of jahangir) was passing with his entourage. They were looking for people to carry their palki. He spotted the pandits and thought, they look fresh and they've just listened to Gurbani so they must be full of energy. The pandits were forced to carry the weight of the palki, whilst Khusro and his begums (wive's) sat inside. One of the pandits ran inside and told Guru Arjan Dev Ji what had happened and asked for maafi and for Guru Sahib's help.

Guru sahib sent a sevadaar (selfless man) to Khusro and told him to let the pandits off this hard labour. Khusro joined his hands together and said Satbachan (true words) as Guru Sahib wishes.
The pandits then ran back to Brahmdat and told him everything that had happened. Brahmdat was amazed at how caring and considerate Guru Sahib was. He made plans to visit Guru Sahib himself. Brahmdat came to Sri Harmandir Sahib and Guru Arjan Dev Ji said, 'My condition for you to speak to me is that you must first let me do your Langar pani seva' (serve you a meal). Guru sahib themselves did seva (served) by making brahmdats langer and then washed the thaals (dishes). Brahmdat cried in amazement at Gurusahib's amazing pyaar (love) and humility.

He said he forever wanted to remain with Guruji. Guru sahib went further to bless him with a place in the Parkarma (complex) of Harmandir Sahib. The brahmboota is the place in the parkarma, which was blessed in the memory of Pandit Brahmdat who became a Sikh of Guru Arjan Dev Ji Paatshah.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Serving the True Guru, all of one's generations are saved."

