Game of love 287- SOUL BRIDES


"Eis jag mehi purakh eaek hai hor sagalee naar sabaaee
In this world, there is one Husband Lord; all other beings are His brides."

Guru Amardas Ji talks about the beauty of Vaheguroo in this Shabad. We are all his soul brides. He is the true husband. Guru Ji goes on to say, Vaheguroo (God) enjoys the hearts of all, yet remains detached. Guru Sahib then goes on to say, Vaheguroo can only be revealed by the True Guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji). Guru Ji reveals the purity of Vaheguroo. 

The Beauty of this shabad and this loving way of life go on to say and show, those that serve him lovingly will become just like Vaheguroo. He has no rival, no enemy nor attacker. His rule is unchanging. He does not come or go. Guru Nanak beholds his glorious greatness and blossoms fourth. 

We have been blessed with such a treasure in Gurbaani and Naam, yet we waste it for a mere shell (the world). We throw it away for temporary pleasures. We do not hold on to the Jewels, that will see us through this life in total happiness and go on to reward us in the here after also. We would rather enjoy a few minutes of worldly pleasure and desire and be left to depart with a blackened mind and soul, awaiting our next journey to enlighten this mind and liberate the soul. 

Let's purify the mind whilst we have the realisation to do so. We may not ever get another chance to realise the priceless emeralds we have awaiting us. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Gurmukh jaathaa sabadh pashhaathaa saachai praem samaaeae ||
As Gurmukh, she knows the Lord; through the Word of His Shabad, He is realized; through True Love, she merges with Him.
She who does not know her Husband Lord, the Architect of karma, is deluded by falsehood - she herself is false.
Listen, O brides of the Lord: serve your Beloved Husband Lord, and contemplate the Word of His Shabad."
