Game of love 286- EGOTISM


"Egotism and possessiveness are very enticing. Egotistical pride has plundered everyone".

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Egotism is one of the greatest obstacles in achieving a state of spiritual bliss (anand). Those who forever think and say 'I, I' can never appreciate what they have or respect the feelings and ways of other people. Their mind is blinded by ego, they see no further. Stop your ego; think of others, have love in your heart and meditate as often as possible.  

We should all have DIVINE pride, which is a pride for our faith and beliefs. This makes us powerful individuals through blessings of the divine. We should not be ashamed of who we are and walk with our heads held high, as we are the sons and daughters of the most spiritual guide to have ever existed. 

Don't let the egotistical mind beat you. The stick of Naam meditation is in your hand. Beat up the minds ego with it! 

When you allow your ego to control your thoughts, everything you believe in becomes an illusion! 

Bhagat Kabir Ji Says,  "Kutt kutt man kasavattee laavai.
He alone is powerful, who pounds down his mind.
Pounding down his mind, he escapes from the Messenger of Death.
Pounding and beating his mind, he puts it to the test;
such powerful one attains total liberation."
