Who's duty is it to spread the message of Sikhi? 

We all have a duty to spread the message of Sikhi. Sikhi is a way of life for all. Everyone will take something majorly positive away from Sikhi. Sikhi makes sense to the faithless, so called sinners, people searching for spirituality, searchers of peace, love, compassion, the poor, the rich,  people of a different faith etc. Basically Sikhi makes sense to the whole universe. 

I remember taking steps towards the path of Sikhi. I searched and read about every faith and it was only Sikhi that made complete sense to me and was flawless. I asked many questions. I searched for defects and imperfections but found none. 

I can honestly say, if I found even one questionable act of faith in Sikhi, I would have never taken the steps towards it. Now seventeen years on, the faith seems to be getting purer and purer. 

What is the reason for this? 

Sikhi unites one to their inner self. Sikhi finds the one within. Sikhi searches for the truth and purity within. Sikhi conquers the mind. Sikhi liberates the soul. Sikhi reverts beggars in to kings. Sikhi makes us love all. Sikhi sees God in all. Sikhi differentiates with none and most of all Sikhi teaches us to become our true self, which is God. 

There is no difference between us and God. We have to recognise our own self. We are walking around lost in this terrifying world ocean of duality and materialism. We claim to be people of faith, yet so far away from living it. 

When one recognises the spirit and conquers their own mind through Naam meditation, only then will one come to realise the true beauty of this amazingly beautiful path. Up until then, the Naam will keep us steadfast and in high spirits.  

So going back to the title. We all have a duty  to recognise who we really are and spread the loving and beautiful message of Sikhi in to the world. Don't waste time. No one knows what's around the corner. Death is very close by. Remember death and purify it with every breath of Naam Simran (meditation). 

Don't think, because you are not practicing, you can't spread the attributes and quality of Sikhi. By seeing the purity of Sikhi and spreading its fragrance in to the world, you will be blessed by Guru Ji. You will develop amazing karma and your coming and going in to this world will soon be ended, when Guru Ji bestows his glance of grace upon your head and blesses you with Gursikhi jivan (life). 

Your life is a message to the world. Make sure it's inspiring!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Thai saahib kee baath j aakhai kahu naanak kiaa dheejai || sees vadtae kar baisan dheejai vin sir saev kareejai || kio n mareejai jeearraa n dheejai jaa sahu bhaeiaa viddaanaa ||1||3||

One who brings me a message from my Lord and Master - says Nanak, what shall I give to Him?
Cutting off my head, I give it to Him to sit upon; without my head, I shall still serve Him.
Why haven't I died? Why hasn't my life just ended? My Husband Lord has become a stranger to me."
