Game of love 271- SEWING THE SEED OF DOUBT


Many will attempt to sew the seed of doubt in to people. It's very important as intelligent human beings, we judge people from what we see and the actions in which they commit. 

People will tell you things about others, which naturally makes you think negative about the person they were speaking about. This is quite natural for most to behave in this way. Many will sew seeds of doubt in others and many will be affected by the seed sewn. 

How do we deal with this? 

Firstly, it's important we are very positive in all situations. When people tell us things about others, we should ask them not to bother, as this is known as ninda (back biting). The listener is just as bad as the the gossiper. 

Secondly, if we can't avoid the situation and they have told us, it's best to be positive and not judge the third party on what the gossiper has told us. If we listen to the gossiper and dwell on the information they have given us, naturally we get very wary and let the information affect our state of mind. 

The positive reaction should always be, "I get on well with the individual you are talking about, I don't really want to or need to know the negative information you are giving me. If you can tell me something positive, please go ahead and carry on." This will definitely prevent the gossiper from gossiping further and we will be relieved from carrying excess baggage. Both will be blessed and saved. 

It's very difficult behaving in such a positive manner and not letting people plant seeds of doubt within us. But it's very important we don't let anyone plant them, as we are letting others destroy our relationship with people and in the end, we are the ones who are going to suffer, as the mind loves to hold on to negativity. 

Guru Sahib Ji tells us not to talk negative about others or listen to anything negative about others. If we do, it is like eating filth from the floor. We become as bad as the gossiper. No one will trust us ever. This is the way of the world. As Sikhs, we should always strive to teach by example, as we have the blessed and beautiful character given to us by Guru Sahib Ji. 

This falsehood becomes tasteless once one begins to taste the true love of Naam meditation. One begins to no longer feel empty. One is content and always filled with the taste of Gods love. One is forever ecstatic, happy and at peace with the world and most of all gain oneness with themselves. 

So, sew seeds of faith, love, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, truth and compassion in others. Avoid sewing seeds of doubt. Let them experience the love and positivity within themselves. Don't be a hindrance towards it! 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "paraaee bakheelee karehi aapanee paratheeth khovan sagavaa bhee aap lakhaahi ||

They gossip about others, and lose their credit, and expose themselves as well.
That wealth, for which they slander others, does not come into their hands, no matter where they go.
Through loving service, the Gurmukhs receive the wealth of the Naam, but the unfortunate ones cannot receive it. This wealth is not found anywhere else, in this country or in any other."
