Game of love 241- HOW MUCH ARE WE WORTH?


The world may believe that a persons worth is based on their wealth and physical possessions. This is not true...
A persons worth is determined by the price at which they are willing to sell their human principles of truth, integrity, loyalty, kindness, humility and gratitude. 
In this way most people nowadays are probably worth between 0-ยฃ5.

Unfortunately nowadays, we have all got ourselves in the rut of judging others by their materialistic wealth. Materialistic wealth may keep us happy for a few years. It is a very temporary pleasure. Many who are wealthy are not content and happy, they look for happiness elsewhere. Materialistic wealth is a good luxury to have, as long as we are detached from it. If we can find this balance alongside purifying the mind through meditating on Gods name we will be filled with peace and joy through the blessings of Akaal Purakh Vaheguroo (God).   

The world is changed by our example and not just our opinion! 

Guru Sahib Ji Says, "those that meditate on Vaheguroo's name, are priceless. Their value can never be judged."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Some trade in priceless jewels, while others deal in mere glass.
When the True Guru is pleased, we find the treasure of the jewel, deep within the self.
Without the Guru, no one has found this treasure. The blind and the false have died in their endless wanderings.
The self-willed manmukhs putrefy and die in duality. They do not understand contemplative meditation."
