Game of love 202- WAKE YOUR INNER SELF!


A Gursikh  looks forward to Amritvela (2am meditation), like a child on the night before their birthday, in immense excitement for the different gifts they are going to receive. 

A missed Amritvela, is like going to sleep the night before your birthday, with the excitement inside, and when you awaken, you realise you slept through the whole day and missed all the presents from family and friends, who were supposed to come and better your special day and party. 

A missed Amritvela should bring a feeling of deep sadness, emptiness and regret. An Amritvela is the foundation of a Sikh's life. It's this that triggers the Sikh in to remembering Vaheguroo throughout the day with every loving breath and becoming the virtuous, positive, balanced, energetic being that everyone needs in their lives.  

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "She remains a sleep and does not know the news of God. The day dawns and then she regrets. You yearn to meet with God so why do you delay."
