Game of love 201- CHARITY


The BBC recently reported, that Sikhs were the most charitable out of all UK ethnic communities. Where has this come from?

Guru Sahib teaches us that we are all the children of God (sabhe sanjheebaal) and when one of our family members is struggling in life, it is our responsibility to help and support them. This could involve giving advice, guidance, financial support or even aid. Vaheguroo created the creation and immersed themselves within in. All the species (visible and non visible) contain Vaheguroo and there is no place where Vaheguroo does not exist.
The Sikh is urged to celebrate the creation and also maintain it, this is why charity forms a very important part of a Gursikhi life. 

Guru Ji says, that those who work hard and earn an honest living, from these honest earnings, they should eat food and also share food and other offerings within the wider community. 'All' Baptised Sikhs are asked to donate a tenth of their honest earnings to charity. In this way the compassionate nature of every human has been formalised within a religious/spiritual obligation. 
Guru sahib resents the idea that we should only help Sikhs. Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, that we should help the most needy, regardless of their religious identity, caste, colour or creed and then that Gursikh will go on to gain the true blessings of Vaheguroo. 

The things that are usually most attractive about people, are never really physical. This is why those with the spiritual love of compassion, blossom in the midst of the world and the lap of Vaheguroo. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, "Worship the True Lord, and believe in the True Guru; this brings the merit of making donations to charity, kindness and compassion."
