Game of love 160- WITHOUT NAAM MEDITATION 12


"Without the Name of the Lord, no one can be saved. Through the Guru's Teachings, we are united in His Union."

In the above Shabad Guru Sahib says, without Naam no one can be liberated or saved. Only Naam will liberate the soul and mind, nothing else. We can search all we want for many lifetimes, but in the end we will all have to accept Guru Sahib Jis Amrit. In this way we will all be saved through the blessings of Guru Sahibs devotional worship, Naam, Amrit and rehit (physical discipline). Only the Gurus teachings will unite us with Vaheguroo (God), no other teaching will get us anywhere close. 

As mentioned above, Guru Sahib has created a direct link between servant and master through Shabad (Gurus word). Guru Sahib Ji will make sure we meet God in this life time, they only ask for sincere effort, love and belief. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Through sincere efforts, the mind is made peaceful and calm.
Walking on the Lord's Way, all pains are taken away.
Chanting the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the mind becomes blissful."
