Game of love 159- WITHOUT NAAM MEDITATION 11


"Without the Name, wealth is useless; deceived by wealth, they have lost their way."

Guru Jee says in this Shabad, crying out "mine mine!" for wealth, they have departed but their body, family and friends did not go with them. Guru Sahib goes on to say, deceived by wealth they have lost their way. We always want more and more, we will never be satisfied or content with what we have, as desire and greed always makes us strive for more. This causes us to be unhappy and we lose our inner peace. We can be as rich as we want but ideally we should remain content, never desire more, and be detached from all our possessions. In this way we will find true peace and contentment. 

Guru Sahib says, the true wealth is the wealth of Naam. Naam is only given to us by Guru Sahib Ji after taking Amrit, alongside the practice of Rehit (physical discipline). This wealth is carried across with us after death. This wealth will naturally spread itself in to the Universe through our physical being. This wealth will not decrease, burn, get wet or die. This beautiful wealth will find us peace, respect and honour. This wealth will introduce us to love, compassion, truth, and many more virtues. This wealth is an immaculate treasure, which we can never get bored of and can never stop talking about.

You are made of Gods light, shine brightly through Naam meditation dear one, it is your nature. 

Guru Ramdaas Ji is talking about those that love to meditate: "Even if the entire earth were to be transformed into gold, and given to them, without the Naam, they love nothing else.

The Lord's Name is pleasing to their minds, and they obtain supreme peace; when they depart in the end, it shall go with them as their support.
