Game of love 63- SERVICE


"Through selfless service, eternal peace is obtained."

Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574

Voluntary service helps both the giver and the needy. Taking some time out to help others on their life journey ultimately helps yours. To know that you can help and comfort others, makes you realise the depth and importance of your own life. 

There are three types of service in Gurmat (Gurus teachings). Firstly, serving God (vaheguroo) through meditation. Secondly, physical service through our actions for the benefit of others, which is also serving Vaheguroo. Thirdly, giving a tenth of our earnings to the needy or any charity. This is also another way of serving Vaheguroo. 

When we serve in the above way, we become very humble and Vaheguroo blesses us with a complete contentment and ecstasy. The ones that serve Vaheguroo in this way are served by Vaheguroo in return. Vaheguroo doesn't just serve them, he serves their generations to come also. 
