Sikhi Game of love- FINAL POST


Sangat ji, this will be our final post. We have made many mistakes along the way whilst serving Guru Sahib Ji’s pyaaree sangat. Please forgive us of any mistakes and bless us with your prayers.

These posts started getting written nearly a decade ago and the main purpose and focus of them were to inspire and motivate. You can access all the posts via the links below. We would recommend reading the posts 2/3 times weekly to keep ourselves motivated on this beautiful path of Spiritual Sikhi. Please forward the links on to anyone you feel the posts would also help, support and guide.

Vaheguroo Ji Ka Khalsa Vaheguroo Ji Ki Fateh. 🙏🏽


If you look at a police officer carefully, you will realise that he looks distinct compared to ordinary people. Even though he is a public servant, he is full of confidence and smartness; and, fearlessness and determination is reflected from everything they say. The police officer acts totally fearlessly, as he/she knows that they have the power of the police department and the government behind them. He/she does not consider themselves alone and they carry out their day to day duties full of confidence.

Just as the police officers consider the power of the police department and the government behind them, in the same way, the Khalsa of Guru Nanak Dev jee, Guru Gobind Singh jee, also know that the vibrant and all-powerful force of Vaheguroo is behind them at all times. The Gursikh carries out their duties in this world, without any fear, with great confidence and with total honesty. He/she knows that Vaheguroo is always with them and that they are never alone. He/she also knows that Vaheguroo and their Khalsa always win and can never lose any physical or mental battle.

Vaheguroo and Vaheguroo's Khalsa attain victory in everything they do. They have faith in God, they stay calm, they are fearless and do not worry about any power the world brings to them. God is the embodiment of victory, his Khalsa too is the embodiment of victory. The khalsa is always victorious! The Khalsa is the servant of Vaheguroo! Guru Granth Sahib Ji Says below:

Vaheguroo’s bhagat always stays in bliss. Vaheguroo’s bhagat has no problems. Vaheguroo’s bhagat has no fear. Vaheguroo’s bhagat always attains victory.
