Sikhi Game of love- CURING ALL DISEASES


Guru Arjun Dev Ji tells us that God purifies the sinners in an instant and cures all diseases.

What is a sinner? And what disease are we talking about? Is there really such thing as a sinner?

Many of us can fall! The mind is weak! When we become a slave to this desire filled mind and it begins to control us, this is the sin Guru Ji is talking about. When we want to taste worldly pleasures but don't want to experience spiritual ras (taste), this is polluting the mind and making it much, much more difficult to purify it.

We fall at the feet of the great warriors lust, anger, attachment, greed, jealousy, slander, hatred and egotism. We feel they are going to give us something special. This something special only lasts for an instant. It is only a temporary pleasure. It does not remain with us forever. It does not keep us in high spirits or happy for this life or the here after.

This is the disease Guru Sahib Ji is talking about. The disease of the negative mind is a killer. It never lets us settle. It controls us in which ever way it wants to. When are we going to recognise its entity and start to control and guide it in the way we think is best (spiritually)? We need to stop becoming a slave to this worldly, desire filled mind and let the True Guru guide us through the most powerful warriors of Gurshabad (Guru's word), love, truth, compassion, contentment, tolerance, service to all (seva) and patience.

In this Shabad, Guru Ji goes on to say, if I control this polluted mind through meditating on God's name, not only I will be saved but all my friends and companions will also be blessed in the Gate of Truth (sachkhand).

Guru ji says, I spoke to like minded people, who had a saintly state of mind and after doing so, my sexual desire, anger and greed had been eradicated.

Guru Nanak Ji goes on to say, I can not praise this faith anymore. I have no words to describe its purity and love so I go on to say, please bless me with the dust of the pure ones and God. I am a sacrifice to the Guru and God.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Ab hum rakhanhaar chithaaria. Now, I contemplate and meditate on the Lord, the Saviour lord.

Patit puneeth keeay Khin bhuithar, sagla rog bidhaaria.

He purifies sinners in an instant, and cures all diseases."
