Sikhi Game of love- BRIEF MOMENTS


It is said that, when Guru Nanak Sahib Jee asked his two companions, how long could they guarantee their lives would last. Their response was, at least until we travel to the next village or until tomorrow. The story then goes in to say, when Guru Jee’s companions asked the very same question, Guru Nanak Sahib Ji responded by saying, that he could only guarantee the breath that he was taking at that moment.

This teaching is a core concept within Sikhi. The appreciation that the moment of death could quite literally be anytime.

The reason this is so important is, that it is precisely this mindset that keeps one centred and focussed on Naam meditation at all times. When you live with the realisation that the moment of death could be any time, then the minds wandering ceases and all attention turns to constant Simran (remembrance of God).

Sadly, in the modern materialistic world, people are so engrossed in the pleasures of the world, that they almost completely forget this inevitably.

Guru Nanak presents this teaching in the following way.

Ham Aadhamee Haan Eik Dhamee Muhalath Muhath N Jaanaa ||
We are human beings of the briefest moment; we do not know the appointed time of our departure.

Naanak Binavai Thisai Saraevahu Jaa Kae Jeea Paraanaa ||1||
Prays Nanak, serve the One, to whom our soul and breath of life belong. ||1||

Andhhae Jeevanaa Veechaar Dhaekh Kaethae Kae Dhinaa ||1|| Rehaao ||
You are blind - see and consider, how many days your life shall last. ||1||Pause||

