Sikhi Game of love- PUT TO THE TEST


A Gursikh who reads Gurbani everyday in the form of Nitnem (their daily routine), is examined by the Great Guru to see whether the Guru’s spiritual wisdom is applied within their practical life. Following and applying Guru’s teachings, one is declared to be doing well in their spiritual journey, and on the contrary if we only read but don’t live according to Gurbaani, we are declared as hypocrites by our own subconscious mind. Therefore, it is important to follow the Guru’s teachings and avoid deeds prohibited by Gurbani. Guru Jee says “He who in his thoughts, words and actions, contemplates the One God; that man obtains all the fruits.” A Gursikh who meditates with thought must also meditate with their actions; this way, he/she is to pass the loving test of Guru Ji and is blessed with every pleasure. Guru Arjan Dev Ji Says, “kirpa prabh aapnee har aap parkhay.” God grants His Grace, and the Lord Himself tests them.

