Sikhi Game of love- KEERTAN SOHILA


Keertan Sohila is a night time Bani, which is read before going to sleep. It’s made up of five small prayers and takes no longer than five minutes to complete with love. ‘Sohila’ means a song of joyful praise. The Bani is about the end of life and union of the soul with God, hence Sohila Sahib is recited at the time of cremation. Reciting it everyday, reminds us that the end of life is imminent and we are not to waste this precious time. It is a motivation for shedding all worries and having a peaceful sleep. A small Ardaas should be done after this to firstly thank Vaheguroo (God) for another day to ask for protection from wrong thoughts in our sleep and assistance in waking up for Amritvela the next day. It also reminds us to keep the Naam meditation (praise of God) within our mind and heart as we sleep. Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, “Thith ghar gaavho Sohilaa sivriaho sirjanhaaro.” -in that house, sing Songs of Praise; meditate and remember the Creator Lord. Vaheguroo!
