Sikhi Game of love- JAPJI SAHIB


JapJi sahib is the first Bani in Guru Granth Sahib Ji. It was received by Guru Nanak Dev Ji, directly from God and it is in effect the condensation of the whole of Guru Granth Sahib Ji. All basic teachings to being a Sikh of the Guru are within JapJi Sahib. 

The word ‘Jap’ means to recite or chant and implies the aim of human life, which is to meditate and meet God. It has considerable content on the virtues of the Creator, the universe and humans place in it. It also tells us that the purpose of human birth is to unite the soul with the Creator and guides us on how to go about it. 

One who daily recites JapJi Sahib with love and devotion, will have the blessings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji and gain spiritual peace and tranquility. Gursikhs in the past such as Baba Deep Singh Ji and Sant Jarnail Singh Ji Bhindranwale would recite JapJi Sahib over one hundred times a day; there lies the reason they were so spiritually awake and powerful. The Bani will truly and always have a magical influence if read with infinite love. 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says In Japji Sahib, 
Sachaa Sahib Saach Nae bhakhiaa bhao Apaar- True is the master! True is his name-Speak it with infinite love.

