Sikhi Game of love- 8.4 MILLION


"Wandering and roaming through 8.4 million incarnations, you have now been given this human life, so difficult to obtain."

Before science, Gurbani has told us there are 8.4 million stages or forms of life on earth. The human soul has passed through these life forms and now because of its commendable actions it has been gifted with this human life form. 

Why is the human form so special? Because unlike the 8.4 million, this one form is the only chance we have to meet and connect with God and become one with our mind and soul. Only in this form can we read Gurbani and Jap Naam (meditate on Godโ€™s name) and experience the divine within. Unfortunately, we waste this precious life in vain and don't realise it's true value until the very end, when  it has become too late to do anything about it! 

