We often make a list and work out what order to do things in by thinking which tasks are urgent and how important each task is. If we are unable to find out which order to rank them, we usually look at deadlines dates to prioritise. 

We often look at Sikhi as a chore and one of those tasks too. Some that are not on this spiritual path may often think we have enough time to tread on this path. We usually feel the need to prioritise and focus on gathering wealth and spending time with friends and family, and then when we are old and retired, we will take steps towards the path of Sikhi. We usually don’t give much priority to Sikhi as we naturally assume, Sikhi is not as important and we have enough time to become Guru’s Sikhs. However, we don’t know how long we have and there is no guarantee that we will make it to the old retirement age. We don’t even know if we are going to draw another breath. 

In light with recent covid events we can see that nothing is of guarantee, as anything can happen at any moment. We forget that Sikhi is not a task, rather, a spiritual path which leads one to enlightenment and everlasting peace, love and happiness through Naam meditation. It is a path which one constantly treads upon with each and every breath, as we don’t know if our next breath could be our last. Guru Arjan Dev Ji says: 

gagaa gobidh gun ravahu saas saas jap neet ||

GAGGA: Chant the Glorious Praises of the Lord of the Universe with each and every breath; meditate on Him forever.

kahaa bisaasaa dheh kaa bilam na kariho meet ||

How can you rely on the body? Do not delay, my friend;

neh baarik neh jobanai neh biradhee kachh ba(n)dh ||

there is nothing to stand in Death's way - neither in childhood, nor in youth, nor in old age.

