Sikhi Game of love- SHEPHERD


"As the shepherd is in the field for only a short time, so is one in the world." Guru Nanak Dev Ji 

In this shabad, Guru Ji tells us clearly that our time in the world is very short. We say "Years fly past and we don't know where they have gone," however we don't act upon it. We question Is this all life is? Is there a real purpose beyond family life and work life? Gurbani tells us our purpose is to meet with God and liberate the soul from the cycle of birth and death!  So let's not think we have years left to live. Use these breaths to meditate on the Naam which will go with us, as who knows when the last breath will be...

In this pandemic, most of us have more than enough time to up our accounts of Naam and Baani meditation and better ourselves. So, in this difficult period or when it is over, we can consciously become compassionate, loving, kind and caring human beings. 

