Game of love πŸ’œ- THE POWER OF JAPJI!


The least we can do is read Japji Sahib Ji every morning, after reading the beautiful explanation below!

The Mool Mantra is a fate killer. It removes the fate and changes the destiny to complete prosperity.

The 1st pauri is an antidote to depression. It

will lift you from the deepest depression,

insecurity, nightmares and loss.

The 2nd pauri imparts patience and stability.

The 3rd pauri transforms insufficiency, turns

depression into elevation and transforms low

self-esteem into self confidence.

The 4th pauri blesses those trapped in feelings of poverty and lack of means.

The 5th pauri must be recited when you feel a sense of failure within yourself.

The 6th pauri dispels limitation. Recite it when you feel limited, cornered, trapped or coerced.

The 7th pauri will heal you, when you suffer

from greed, madness for power, overbearing

expansion and the need to control, when you

become trapped in your territoriality,.

The 8th pauri gives the power to be a perfect


The 9th pauri gives expansion.

The 10th pauri grants grace.

The 11th pauri gives virtuousness.

The 12th pauri When you feel small, gives you solidarity of self, self-impressiveness and self-respect.

The 13th pauri gives you the occult knowledge of infinity. It brings deep intuition.

The 14th pauri will show the way When you

can’t find your path to life, when you can't see direction to your destiny, when you can't

achieve fulfillment.

The 15th pauri brings liberation.

The 16th pauri gives knowledge of the universe.

The 17th pauri brings freedom and resurrection.

The 18th pauri fights madness, deep feelings of inferiority and self destructive behavior.

The 19th pauri brings universal knowledge,

inspiration and revelation.

The 20th pauri wipes away all your sins, When the monsters (vices) are nipping at your heels.

The 21st pauri maintains your status, grace and position.

The 22nd pauri brings victory in legal battles. It gives you strategy.

The 23rd pauri dispels darkness and elevates the self.

The 24th pauri breaks through all limitations

with the force of a thunderbolt. So powerful it is that it affects generations, it has the power to kill misfortune.

The 25th pauri prefullfils all your needs.

The 26th pauri transforms nothing into

everything. It banishes losses, misfortunes and miseries.

The 27th pauri shows you the way. It removes obstacles and hurdles.

The 28th pauri has the strongest permutation

and combination of words in the world. It

unites you with God.

The 29th pauri is a shield of protection.

The 30th pauri places you upon the throne of divinity.

The 31st pauri pulls all virtues from the


The 32nd pauri pays your debts and completes your karma.

The 33rd pauri destroys your ego. It removes negativity, neutralises your destructive nature and prevents harm to others by your hand.

The 34th pauri brings stability.

The 35th pauri gives you the breadth to do your duty and fulfill your responsibility.

The 36th pauri brings divine realization. It

grants complete understanding of the heavens and the earth.

The 37th pauri cuts the karma. It eradicates the impact of all bad karma.

The 38th pauri gives you the power to rewrite your own destiny.

The Salok brings self-satisfaction, elevation,

acknowledgment and respect.

After one takes Amrit, the power becomes much more powerful and stronger, as Guru Sahib blesses his Sikhs himself to recite the Baanee.

Bhai Gurdas Ji Says, "By becoming Gurmukh (Guru oriented), he makes his life meaningful, he reads Gurbani (sikh holy scriptures/teachings) and makes others understand the importance of Gurbani."
