Sikh man feeds Muslim man

This beautiful image was captured on Saturday 8th October 2016, as the Sikhs of Bradford took to the streets of the city centre to serve langar (free vegetarian food). Langar week takes place in many cities around the Uk, if not the world. Free food is shared with everyone and anyone.

The Muslim brother in the image has no arms and wanted some langar. The man in the background, sitting down, is his carer. The Sikh man relished the seva (selfless service) and began to feed him, without a second thought.

There is a lot of negativity and conflict in the world but not so much love. This picture shows there are blessed souls out there, that just get on with it, pleasing their Guru, spreading love and making themselves better human beings. Very inspiring. Give love and you'll get it back!

The message of langar week is very simple. Langar was started by Guru Nanak Dev Ji around 550 years ago. Guru ji started langar so the rich, poor, various castes, colours and creeds could sit together on one platform and share (eat) their food together. Guru Ji started langar to show and recognise universal love and compassion. Guru ji also stated, no one in the world should ever starve, as one can always be guaranteed a hot vegetarian meal, when they visit a Gurdwara anywhere in the world. (Sikh Gurdwaras are based all over the world)

Foster love, kindness and compassion through sharing. This is the true key of opening the heart. Please share this message of universal love, compassion and kindness to all your social media groups. Thank you!

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Vich dhuneeaa saev kamaaeeai||

In the midst of this world, do seva (selfless service),

Thaa dharageh baisan paaeeai ll"

and you shall be given a place of honor in the Court of the Lord.
