Game of love ❤️- SUTHRA SHAH 4


One day, a sikh was reading Rehras Sahib Ji da paath (evening prayer) in Darbaar Sahib (Gurus sanctuary). Every time he completed a line, Suthra would shout, "Thinoo kee" (what's it got to do with you). The sikh reciting the paath was getting very annoyed at what he was experiencing.

He went to see Guru Ji and made a complaint about Suthra. Guru ji asked for Suthra and an explanation from him. Suthra said, "Guru ji, your wisdom is so uplifting and beautiful, there is so much to take away from your teachings but this sikh had no focus on your baani (Gods word) at all. His concentration was elsewhere. He was always thinking about what others were doing, hence me asking, thinoo kee. This was the reason Guru Ji." Guru Ji smiled and told the sikh to stay focussed whilst reading the teachings and to live and build the character of a true spiritual Sikh.

Suthra was a very blessed soul and always right in his judgement. He didn't like any form of ritualistic practice. All his teachings were through humour. He was probably the most hilarious sikh of Guru Ji's times.

Are we focussed when reading prayers and meditating or are we just going through the motions like the Sikh from Suthra’s story? We don't want to be labelled in the category below, as Guru Amardas Ji has done.

Meditation will bring focus, love, concentration and balance to the mind. It will reduce thought for us to be more focussed with prayers and life in general.

Guru Amardas Ji says, "The blind and ignorant perform all sorts of ritualistic actions, they are in love with duality."
