Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- THE SECRET WITHIN


There is a secret within us all. Many people search outside for those things that will answer their souls questions. However, contemplating on the innermost you and through sincere effort and blessing, you will find that all the answers to your questions are found within.

We all ignore the fact that death can take us at any time. No one knows when they will breathe their last breath.

Lately, I have experienced many young deaths. There one minute and gone the next. We always think the elders will pass away first. We live as though we will never die. When our time comes, we will have to depart. Who can save us from leaving this body, when death calls. No one will be able to come anywhere near to help us.

We spend most of our life studying, working, saving money, buying land, buying many houses, buying many cars and living luxurious life styles. When our time is up, none of this is going with us. We will leave it all behind. We put our mind and body through so much stress and pressure to earn all we have, yet it will all be left behind. We will not even get the space of a bathroom in the house we spent many years earning for.

Guru sahib ji says, 'We have a life valued as aย  diamond, yet we waste it for mere shells.'

The secret within is Gur Amrit Naam. Meditation on this Naam is the only substance which will fulfil our soul and answer all our minds desires. Through this Naam we will be blessed with respect, love and knowledge of this world and the spirit world.

Naam, Gurbaani and the loved blessings (asseesaa) of Gursikhs, is the only gem which will support our soul on the other side.

"Deep within the self is the secret, but the fool looks for it outside."

Guru AmarDas Ji 1479-1574
