Game of love ๐Ÿ’™- MARRIAGE!


"They are not said to be husband and wife, who merely sit together. They alone are called husband and wife, who have one light in two bodies."

Guru AmarDas Ji 1479-1574

Marriage, is not a mere contract between two people but a meeting of two souls. True marriage lies in the harmony of the couples physical and spiritual worlds.

How do we make our marriage work? Every relationship has it's ups and downs. It becomes stronger, if we remain positive and have faith in the divine. We need to learn from our mistakes and strengthen through experiencing them. Every action we face, should be observed and a lesson learnt.

In today's day and age, our egos clash. We fail to give in to one another, which leads to separation. If we were humble and calmed situations down, then spoke with a calm head later, more relationships would be saved.

We spend more time on our smart phones and tangled in work pressures. We spend less time speaking to our partners and children.

Marriage is a union of two souls, which is for life. In the teachings of Gurmat (Guru's way), separation is a NO NO, as we have made a combined promise to Guru ji, that we will remain together until death, with the sangat (congregation) as our witness.

We CAN NOT turn our back on Guru Ji!

Patience is the key and it only comes through purifying the mind through meditation.

"Without patience and forgiveness, countless hundreds and thousands have perished." Guru Nanak Dev Ji.

