Game of love ❤️- A GODLY STATE OF MIND!


A Gursikh was travelling by bus in Punjab. He was in his early fifties and had always been of a stocky build. The buses in India are always over filled and everyone is usually literally standing on top of one another. Just then, a thief put his hand in the Gursikhs (Guru's Sikhs) pocket. The Gursikh felt his hand and grabbed it immediately. The Gursikh just kept hold of his hand and didn't say a word. The thief was struggling but didn't say anything either, because if people find out you are thieving in Punjab, they beat you up without asking questions.

The Gursikh got off at the next stop and took the thief with him. The thief was getting very scared, thinking where is he going to take me. The Gursikh arrived at his friends house and the first thing he did was, ask for ten rupees from his friend. His friend gave him ten rupees and the Gursikh put the ten rupees in the same hand he had hold of. The thief was very confused and asked, what he was doing?

The Gursikh lovingly, humbly uttered, "I am a Sikh of Guru Nanak Dev Ji. When you put your hand in my pocket, I realised you were a thief and my wallet was empty. I didn't want you taking my wallet, seeing nothing inside it and mocking My Guru's Sikhs for being nangay, pukhay (naked beggars). Sikhs give to everyone. I thought you was lorrvandh (you needed money), hence I bought you here to give you some. You can go now my brother."

The thief fell at his feet and became a Sikh from that day on!

Giving is a beautiful virtue. It melts the hearts of many. If we give with a good, clean, loving heart, we will always be blessed by Guru Ji for it.

The most beautiful gift to give is your time to others. You are a Sikh, people need you and your positive energy. Give them your time. Most people appreciate it and will love you for it. It's all seva (selfless service)

Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Mit(h)aa bolan niv chalan hathhahu dhaee n aap ganaaeiaa."

The Guru has preached people to speak mildly, to conduct themselves humbly and to not get noticed even after giving something to others.
