"Through sincere efforts, the mind is made peaceful and calm".

Guru Arjun Dev Ji 1563-1606

Only sincere effort brings results. No clever tricks can bring calm and peace to the mind and strengthen the soul. Only through sincere worship can your spirituality flourish within.

Most of the time, we wait for Guru Sahib Ji to bless us and don't really want to put anything major in to receive the blessing. Guru Sahib Ji will always bless us for our efforts but we have to put the udham (effort) in for Guru Sahib Ji to reward his blessings. Nothing in this world is for free!

We can earn profit in this life through our past karma and deeds by being rewarded by the actions of our previous life forms. This is also a beautiful gift and blessing from Guru Sahib Ji!

Sikhi is very simple! We will receive back, everything we put in through our sincere effort. If we look at this effort as our own effort, it becomes our ego and the mind will never progress further spiritually. The effort we put in, is also a blessing by Guru Ji. We should always offer all our gratitude to Guru Ji and remain humble at all times.

Let's not wait for miracles to happen! Let's become the miracle by putting in the sincere effort and being rewarded with the jewel of spirituality through the blessings of Guru Ji.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Sunee baena(n)thee t(h)aakur maerai pooran hoee ghaalee jeeo."

My Lord and Master has heard my prayer; my efforts have been rewarded.

Effort will always release its rewards, only after you refuse to quit!
