Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- WITHOUT NAAM (God's Mantra)

The next few posts will be based on Gurbaani quotes regarding, โ€˜how our life would be without Naam meditation.โ€™

The central focus for every Gursikhโ€™s life should be Naam (Name of God). The whole of Gurbaani, (Gurus word) starts and ends with one substance and that is of Naam. Guru sahib goes on to say, the Naam should become our every breath of life (24/7). Those that don't jap (meditate) Naam, sorry to say but life will become an up hill struggle without it. To be very honest, if we have not japped Naam, we haven't seen or experienced this beautiful human life form. Naam is beyond this life! It's the most vast ras (taste) anyone can ever imagine or experience. There's no taste like it! it's pure ecstasy! Guru sahib has called it the most purest and most ecstatic ammal (drug) to have been brought to earth. Once tasted, not even rehabilitation can separate you from it. It's taste is indescribable, just as the mute struggles to describe the taste of sweet candy.

So if you want to taste this immense sweetness, you will have to go in the midst of the true saints to find it. Go to Naam, baani and kirtan programmes, sit with Gursikhs and Guru sahib will bless you with Amrit one day, where Amrit Naam will be your reward and gift.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Without serving the True Guru, the Naam is not obtained. The Naam is the True profit in this world."
