Game of love 💜- BELIEVE YOU CAN!



Start believing that you’re ready for the next step. You are ready! Think about it. You have everything you need right now to take the next small, realistic step forward. So embrace the opportunities that come your way, and accept the challenges – they’re gifts that will help you to grow.


This works in every walk of life. We always need to believe we are ready for the next step, whether it be work opportunities, school, university or spiritual living. If we don't believe we are ready, there will never be any growth. We are always ready to take steps but get trapped in small bubbles of comfort, which tend to stop any form of progression. Eventually, this becomes a lack of confidence. It's important we take conscious steps forward on a regular basis, in order to build ourselves as strong, powerful, humble, loving and compassionate characters.


When we are challenged in life, this is an opportunity to excel for the positive as human beings. We usually tend to back away from the challenges and ignore them. Spiritually elevated people will take on any challenge that life brings towards them, as they have all the positive energy they need, to keep them uplifted and push them through any challenge that life brings to them.


Guru Ji has called out for us many times but we have always been ignorant towards them and ignored their loving calls. Guru Ji is the only one in who will make every challenge of life easier and more successful for us, by stepping in and supporting us through thick and thin. Without a Guru, every challenge is materialistic and will end up departing from us in the end. The challenges become difficult to attain, as we feel we are alone and have no true support. When Guru Ji is there to support us, every challenge will be that of peace, love and joy and one we successfully succeed in.


Guru Ji loves us all and will always support us. Guru Ji makes one humble request in return and that is to take steps towards Sikhi and develop as spiritual human beings, through Naam meditation and the beautiful teachings of Gurbaani, as this is the substance in which will effortlessly guide us through this terrifying world ocean.


Positive people have negative thoughts, they just never let them grow and destroy them. Remain positive always and believe you can. This thought brings great strength and growth. 


Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Meeting with the True Guru, they cross over the terrifying world-ocean. In the Court of the Lord, they are honoured and approved."


