Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- VIRTUE


"Without virtue, this human life passes in vain." Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Personality goes a long way. If you have a good character, then you will enjoy the hidden treasures of life and others will find you a joy to be around.

The virtuous person is loved by all. Everyone respects the virtuous individual. Their energy, persona and everything about them is recognised by all individuals.

What is the reason for this?

We are all suffering in this world! We may not realise this but the world is struggling to live happily. Many of us have a temporary happiness! It's there one minute, gone the next.

How can we remain happy all the time?

Naam Meditation is the answer! Those, who meditate on Naam, see God in all. They recognise the love of God in everyone. When one meditates on Naam, they Instil the virtues of God within. God is love! God sees all as one! Our soul is a spectacle of the supreme soul God. As we become one with our soul (God), the virtues of God become stronger within and through the radiant energy of God, one is recognised as a Godly being. It's difficult to fight, argue, debate and hate people in this state.

Life becomes very awkward around negative people. It's so much easier to love, respect, be kind and help others. In this way, one becomes very content in life.

Support yourself with virtuous, positive people (Guru's sangat). They will support you when it rains and not only when it shines. They will never leave your side. You will never feel alone with the Guru's sangat by your side!

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "He dwells forever in the minds of the virtuous. He is far removed from those worthless people who lack virtue."

