Game of love πŸ’œ- RITUALS!


As the Muslim world celebrates Ramadam, Dhan (blessed) hai Bhagat Kabeer Ji who said:

'Those who refuse to eat food are just practicing hypocrisy - Chode ann Kare pakhand..'

Bhagat Kabeer Ji talks about how people forsake the proper food (Naam) and instead think that by fasting they will receive Gods happiness, but instead lose any honour.

Dhan is the Lord of the World. Dhan is the Divine Guru

Blessed is that food, by which the heart-lotus of the hungry blossoms forth.

Blessed are those Saints, who know this.

Meeting with them, one meets the Lord, the Sustainer of the World. ||1||

This food comes from the Primal Lord God.

One chants the Naam, the Name of the Lord, only when he tastes this food. ||1||Pause||

Meditate on the food of Naam

Mixed with water, its taste becomes sublime

One who doesn't consume this food
loses his honor in the three worlds. ||2||

One who refuses to eat food, is practicing hypocrisy.

She is neither a happy soul-bride, nor a widow.

Those who claim in this world that they live on milk alone,

secretly eat whole loads of food - get all other rass (tastes) ||3||

Without this food, time does not pass in peace.

Forsaking this food, one does not meet the Lord of the World.

Says Kabeer, this I know:

blessed is that food, which brings faith in the Lord and Master to the mind. ||4||8||11||
ANGΒ  (page) 873

Guru Sahib Ji, makes it clear in this shabad that there is only one real way in which God can be met and that is to meditate on Naam. All other ritualistic acts are condemned by Guru ji.

Guru ji says, it is very difficult to love and remember God when hungry. By committing these acts, we are in no way pleasing God.

God is pleased by loving, compassionate souls, those that help and guide others. God is looking for the one who stills his/her mind, controls their thoughts and sees God in all beings. This being will not judge anyone for their caste, colour, creed, gender etc.

The Name God is never separated from their lips, which in turn purifies their mind for them to become one with their souls and merge with the all loving Vaheguroo.

If our eyes only saw souls instead of bodies, our ideal and conception of beauty would be extremely different! This is only purchased through Naam meditation. There is no other way one receives the gift of these soul searching, beautiful eyes.Β 

