Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- GLOWING COAL PIECES!



With Guru Sahib's and the Sangats (congregations) Blessings, They have supported us fully in taking the seva of over 500 posts. May Guru Sahib Ji keep taking their Seva (service) in high spirits Ji.


A Gursikh was watching pieces of coal, burning together in a fire. He noticed that they were shining and glowing bright red. One piece of coal became disturbed and fell out of the fire place. After a short time, it turned black. The gursikh thought, how can I clean this piece of coal so it's not black anymore? He tried to wash it with water and yoghurt but it had no affect, it remained black. He then thought, why don't I put it back with the other pieces of coal and it will shine brightly again. As he threw it back in the fire, after a few minutes it began to shine brightly again.

The gursikh thought deeply about this and realised, when the coal pieces (people) are connected to the fire (Naam), they will shine and glow brightly but when they become separated from the fire (Naam), their blackness cannot be cleansed in water and yoghurt, (going to pilgrimages, following false saints, living without the Guru's teachings, meditation and any other methods). We must join back with the glowing coal pieces, (Sangat/like minded people) to experience that bliss.


Sangat is the boat in which we will be carried across!


Bhai Gurdaas Ji Says, "Gurmukhs (those facing the Guru's teachings) in the form of boatmen, make people board the ship of the Holy Congregation and take them across the impassable world-ocean."


