Game of love ❤️- THREE WORLDS


Gurbaani talks about the 3 worlds, tribhavan or trilok. This is taken from Hinduism. It is very interesting to read what these three worlds are:


This WORLD, or Bhulok, is the world of gross or material substance, which people experience through their five senses. It is the most limited of worlds, the least permanent and the most subject to change.

The material world is where we have our experiences, manufacture karma and fulfill the desires and duties of life in a physical body. In this world, consciousness is limited and awareness of the other two worlds is not always remembered due to distraction. This physical world, though necessary to our evolution, nothing is permanent and constantly changing. Thus, we take care not to become overly attached to it.


The inner world or Antarlok, is the mental-emotional sphere, that we function in through thought and feeling and reside in fully during sleep and after death. The astral (spiritual) world exists within the physical world.

It is for the most part exactly duplicated in the Physical World, though it is of a more intense rate of vibration. Beings in the higher Antarlok are trained in meditation, they are taught how to take up bodies in the Physical World to improve and enhance their  conditions. So people in Antarlok will learn how they can achieve bodies and take birth in the Physical World, in order to increase good Karma and achieve a higher status. It is in this more advanced realm, that new inventions are invented, new species created, ideas unfolded and futures envisioned here. During sleep and after death, we meet others who are sleeping or who have died. We attend inner-world schools there to advance our knowledge. This place also contains hells and heavens


The Godly World or Sivaloka, is at the core of being, deep within the Inner world. It is the superconscious world where the highly evolved souls live and can be accessed through yoga and temple worship.

This world is the world of light and blessedness, the highest of heavenly regions, described in the scriptures of all faiths. It is the foundation of existence, the source of visions, the point of conception.

All these worlds are contained within the human body and can be experienced through our intense, focussed meditation practice. However these are not SachKhand (gate of truth). Some of the Khands, as described in Sri Japji Sahib may come into these, however SachKhand can not be attained through such practices. Only Amrit, Constant Naam and Gurbani practice will allow one to attain this supreme status. Others will achieve a lesser place.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Those who love the Naam (meditation) look beauteous at the Gate of Truth."

