Deciding Whether To Take Amrit ???


Taking Amrit is the highest blessing one can receive from Guru Sahib. The soul has travelled through many life times of pain and suffering to get to this human birth. After receiving Amrit, the soul is accepted into the kingdom of the Khalsa. Guru Gobind Singh Ji welcomes this soul into his family.

For many thousands of years, people have been looking for this immortality (Amrit), however it can only be received from the True Guru.


"Sur Nar Mun Jan Amrit Khojde, so Amrit Gur te paya"

The angels and the silent sages have been searching for the Amrit; this Amrit is obtained only from the Guru.


Amrit involves giving yourself completely to Guru sahib, so you surrender yourself 100% and whatever Guru Sahib says, we do.


"Eith maarag chalae bhaaeearrae gur kehai sa kaar kamaae jeeo"

So walk on this Path, O soul-brides; do that work which the Guru tells you to do.


"Thiaagae(n) man kee matharree visaarae(n) dhoojaa bhaao jeeo"

Abandon the intellectual pursuits of the mind, and forget the love of other things.


Prior to the Amrit sanchaar, you need ensure that for a short period, you have been waking up at amrit vela (between 2-4am) and doing ishnaan (bath) and then some Vaheguroo simran (meditation) and nitnem. The panj will ask you what thyaaree (preparation) you have done.

They often find people make spur-of-the-moment and their lack of preparation means they fall very quickly. When We say fall, We mean their amritvela stops, they stop doing Nitnem (daily prayers) etc…  So they basically go back on all the promises they made in the Amrit sanchaar.

So some level of prep is very important. From here, when you go into the Amrit sanchaar (ceremony), the panj will make you aware of the commitment you are about to make and whether you are 100% sure you want to do this. Remember Amrit is for us… Guru sahib doesn’t need us, we need Guru so this is a huge blessing. The panj will make you aware of the conduct you must keep as a khalsa (pure soul).


• No meat fish or egg

• No dishonouring of hair, meaning no cutting plucking, dying, lazering etc….

• No adultery or boyfriend/girlfriend business

• No intoxicants…


From here, if you accept this and the rest of the spiritual wisdom given, the Panj (5 beloved ones) will give you Amrit.

Amrit sanchaar is a world within a world. It will be something that you have never experienced before. We don’t want to tell you too much and to be honest, words wont be able to describe it either.

One thing We should mention is Naam. When we are given Khande baate da Amrit, we are also given Naam, which is planted inside of us by the panj pyaray.

They will place their hands on your head and do Vaheguroo Simran from inside their minds and bodies…. It is surreal. This implants the Naam inside of you.


"Bin naavai jeevan naa thheeai maerae sathigur naam dhrirraae"

Without Naam, my life does not even exist. My True Guru has implanted the Naam within me.


"Samarathh guroo sir hathh dhharyo"

The All-powerful Guru placed His hand upon my head.


"Gur keenee kirapaa har Naam dheeao jis dhaekh chara(n)n agha(n)n haryo"

The Guru was kind, and blessed me with the Lord's Name. Gazing upon His Feet, my sins were dispelled.


Reciting this Naam (once it has been implanted) is what will bring you closer to Vaheguroo and make your life the most blissful life ever.

Giving your head to the Guru is the most amazing thing ever and the gift you receive in return will leave you with one regret... Why didn’t I take Amrit earlier!!


Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "The True Essence is Amrit (Ambrosial Nectar); through the Ambrosial Words of the Perfect Guru, this Amrit is obtained."


