"Without the Naam, the Name of the Lord, the body and mind are empty; like fish out of water, they die."

Guru Sahib is clearing us from all doubt in this Shabad! Just like a Fish will die out of Water, Guru Sahib says the Gurmukh will die without Naam. The body and mind are empty without Naam. The mind searches for materialistic pleasures to occupy itself. If this mind is not occupied by the love of Naam, it will be occupied by evil thought, which in turn will cause evil actions.

Why are we wasting time in worldly affairs and spending less time Japping Naam. All worldly affairs are only accomplished with great honor through every breath of Naam Abhiyaas (practice). To meditate is a command of our Guru and it should not be ignored. Just as we are punctual in all our worldly affairs, we should be equally punctual, if not more, when it comes to waking up and reciting Vaheguroo's (God's) name with every breath. Failure to do so is classed as turning our back on the True Guru. We physically try not to turn our back on Guru Sahib but have we ever thought, that Guru Sahib wants us not to turn our back on them with every breath we breathe. They want us to love them always. If we are only practicing the physical, without the every breath of spiritual, it is pakhand (hypocrisy).

When we do something wrong or make a mistake in our physical discipline (Rehit), we go to the Panj (beloved ones) for forgiveness. Guru Sahib's Hukum (command) is also of Athai Pehar Naam Abhiyaas (24/7meditation on Naam). Do we meditate with every breath? Lets all ask ourselves this question, if not shouldnโ€™t we be presenting ourselves to the Panj for a solution. There is no solution, the solution is effort. We are not willing to put the effort in but we all want to look like Gurmukhs (true Sikhs) on the outside. The true Gurmukh will always be pure on the inside and outside. In this way the true Gurmukh will earn love and respect in this life and the here after.

This is the last of "Without Naam" posts. The whole of Gurbaanee is full of Shabads, which tell us what happens to us WITHOUT NAAM. The question is, do we read Gurbaani to follow or has it become another ritual within our lives.

The mind is a drunken elephant and can only be controlled through meditation on the love of Vaheguroo's name.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "The intellect of the mind is like a drunken elephant.
Whatever one utters is totally false, the most false of the false."

