Game of love ๐Ÿ’œ- I WANT TO MEET YOU!


"Kehi ravidhaas aas lag jeevo chir bhaeiou dharasan dhaekhae.
Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan."

This is a beautiful shabad by Bhagat Kabeer Ji. A sikh lives to be blessed with the Darshan (vision) of Vaheguroo. If the Darshan are not to come in this life, then one becomes sad, pitiful, sorrowful and feels dejected and abandoned. One feels they have no need to live in this world, as the only reason they were given this human life form was to meet their beloved God. This is exactly what Bhagat Kabeer Ji said, "Hum sar dheen, dhaeaal na tum sar, ab patheeaar Kia keejai."

All Bhagat Kabeer Ji wanted to do was surrender his mind to the Naam (Godโ€™s Name). Bhagat Ji wanted nothing from this life apart from the blessed vision of God, as he knew this would bring him everlasting peace, love and happiness. He knew he would become virtuous like God and see the whole creation as his true family. So he said, "Bachnee thor mor man maanai, Jan Ko pooran dheejai."

Bhagat Ji sacrificed his whole life in the remembrance and ecstasy of Gods name. He loved remembering Vaheguroo with every breath. He would die if God's name was taken away from him. He used to get upset with Vaheguroo and say, "I remember you all the time but you are silent, you never answer back. Please show me just a glimpse of yourself and my thirst will be quenched." He uttered sorrowfully, "Ho bal bal jao Ramaeeyaa kaarnae. Kaaran kavan abole."

This line relates to all of us! Bhagat Ji says, "He has been separated for so many incarnations, this human life is lovingly dedicated to you God." And that's exactly what he did. He dedicated his whole life to Vaheguroo. Remembering him day and night, until Vaheguroo Ji came to meet him. "Bahut Janam bishray thae Madho, eh Janam thumaarey lakhay."

Bhagat Ji finishes off by saying, he places all hope and desire in God coming to meet him. He has full faith! If he carries on remembering Vaheguroo with the whole hearted dedication he has been remembering him with, Vaheguroo has no option but to come and meet his beloved devotee.

It's the so called small things we lack in our devotion towards God. Just one loving cry from the heart in the direction of Vaheguroo would open up our tenth gate for God to enter and bless us with the beloved vision.

Bhagat Ji's last line, "Kehi ravidhaas aas lag jeevo chir bhaeiou dharasan dhaekhae.
Says Ravi Daas: placing my hopes in You, I live; it is so long since I have gazed upon the Blessed Vision of Your Darshan."

Please come and meet me for the last time Vaheguroo Ji and keep me attached to your beautiful, lotus Charan (feet)!ย 
