Game of love ❤️- HOW DO WE MEDITATE?



One of the most frequently asked questions is, "HOW DO WE MEDITATE?"


Before answering the question on meditation, we need to understand what meditation is and the need of meditation.


Meditation is the stillness of ones mind. Meditation controls, focuses and balances the mind. Meditation creates a purer mind and meditation results in finding ones inner self. Meditation creates positivity in humans, It purifies thoughts and It enhances the mind. The mind can become superpower-full through it. It becomes infinite.


Basically, meditation is a substance every human being in the world should be working towards. If they want to excel in a career, business, studies or discover the infinite within, it's only meditation that can allow them to be successful by keeping a patient mind. It keeps an individual calm, stress free and at peace, whilst reaching the highest levels of any achievement.


Even if it's just five minutes of contemplation on a mantra, watching the breath, chanting, staring, thinking of something positive i.e Virtuous thoughts, it will help the mind become open, subtle, gentle, peaceful, calm and loving.


Sikhs use a mantra meditation. They use the Mantra of "Vahiguroo" (God). This is the most powerful mantra in this dark age of Kaljug. It was created by the first letters of the four avtaars names (spiritually enlightened ones), from the four ages of Satjug, Threthaa, Duapper and Kaljug.


Sikhs use many forms of meditation skills. They start with chanting. Then they move on to using the breath and then exceed in to listening to the mantra with their inner ears (conscious mind). With the blessings of Vaheguroo, the Jaap (meditation) becomes ajappa (recites itself in the subconscious mind). We focus/concentrate within when needs be. During this time, the tenth gate (spiritual opening) is usually discovered/opened and then the next stage is, every-single pore/hair of the human body is immersed in the name of Vaheguroo. Spiritual powers are very easily gained through meditation but can become a massive hinderance in ones spiritual, virtuous development.


A Sikhs purpose of meditating is to purify this mind, become virtuous, liberate the soul and become one with our inner self, which is God (Vaheguroo).


When we present ourselves before the five beloved ones (panj pyaare), in the sacred sanctuary of Guru Granth Sahib Ji, we will be given guidance on HOW TO MEDITATE and purify this monkey like mind.


The whole universe will surrender to a mind that is still.


Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Romae rom rom romae mai guramukh raam dhhiaaeae raam

With each and every hair, with each and every hair, as Gurmukh, I meditate on the Lord."

