Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- THIS FIRE BURNS ALL


Who is happy in this life? Who is content? Who has everything they need? Who doesn't need any more? Who always remains happy? Who always remains peaceful? Who understands the purpose of life? Why are we here? What are we doing here? Where are we going? When are we going to slow down? Why is life running away so fast? How do we slow It down?

So many questions, yet no answer!

Guru Sahib ji tells us in Gurbaani (Guruโ€™s teachings), there is suffering and the fire of materialistic, temporary pleasure and desire in every home. Guru Sahib ji says, "I looked above in every household and all I could see was negativity, anger, ego, selfishness, greed, lust attachment and many other vice.

Why is every house in the world suffering internally? Why all this inner suffering? How do we get away from it?

There's no way away from it! We will suffer, struggle and accept it as being a part of us. We will let our doubts, egos and negative minds run and rule our lives.

Surely we want some happiness and peace? Surely we want it all the time and never want to lose it?

There is only one way to be released from all this inner misconception and confusion of life!

To stop suffering internally, we need to recognise our inner self. Who are we? Where have we come from? What are we doing here? What is our goal?

All the answers to all the questions above, are answered very specifically and simply by our True Guru (Guru Granth Sahib Ji).

We are here to become one with our soul and conquer this polluted mind. We are here to see God in all and support the creation of God. This is how free we should be. The only way this can be possible is through meditating on the most powerful mantra in the world, which is Gods name Vaheguroo.

This mantra is given to us by our Guru in the Amrit Sanchaar ceremony. They teach us how to successfully meditate on the name and become one with our inner self.

So let's stop this fire of desire and doubt burning within by conquering this mind and spreading love, compassion, peace, tolerance, forgiveness and truth in to the world.

Bhagat Farid Ji Says, "Fareedhaa mai jaaniaa dhukh mujh koo dhukh sabaaeiai jag

oochae charr kai dhaekhiaa thaa(n) ghar ghar eaehaa agg."

"Fareed, I thought that I was in trouble; the whole world is in trouble!

When I climbed the hill and looked around, I saw this fire in each and every home."
