Game of love ๐Ÿ’š- POSITIVE ENERGY


Why is it important for us to be positive at all times?

It is very difficult to be positive all the time. It takes an immaculate mind to be this way inclined and have such loving energy.

There are many benefits to being positive all the time. Firstly, to be positive is a great feeling in general. Secondly, if we are positive, others around us also become positive. It's a snowball affect and many become positive around us. Thirdly, when we are positive all the time, it helps us to be very controlled, our mind becomes very balanced and our emotions are also efficiently subdued.

As Sikhs, we call this feeling Chardeekallah (high spirits). When one is forever happy and positive, their spirits are raised and they cannot be touched by any form of negative energy. When we feel this way, our aura and energy is felt by everyone around us. It creates everyone to be happy and positive. This energy works as a form of magnetic force, which tends to pull others closer towards the individual. This energy is the power of the mind and spirit which is connected to the infinite (God). Everyone's spirits and minds are connected, so therefore are pulled closer towards the warm hearted, God loving spirit.

It's very difficult to be happy and positive all the time without meditation. This continuous state can only be achieved through regular meditation. When ones mind is always coloured in the love of Gods mantra, ones mind is cleansed through the thoughts being purified. All emotions are controlled through the Naam mantra.

Positive energy through meditation can be felt upto a radius of 30 miles or further by other humans. The spirit connects to other spirits through love.

Remember! Every human being on the planet has the potential to experience this positive energy of love by tapping in to themselves through meditation. Why would you want to waste this human treasure for mere shells?

The mind and spirit is God. Recognise yourself as the one. A persons energy tells you more about themselves, more than their words.

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "The Gurmukhs (Guru's pure Sikhs) never suffer bodily pain.
The Gurmukhs have the pain of egotism taken away.
The minds of the Gurmukhs are immaculate, positive and pure; no filth ever sticks to them again. The Gurmukhs merge in celestial peace."

