Game of love πŸ’™- PLEASING OTHERS


Life can be very tricky! We always need someone in our lives to rely on and for them always to be there for us, or even just to talk to. We do everything for those people. We please them as much as we can. We go to any extent and any level of an extreme toΒ  make them happy.

This is very dangerous for any individual. We should never try and attach ourself to any human being. Doesn't matter who they are. Even if we think the person is very spiritual, we should still not attach ourselves to them. It's ok to take as much inspiration from anyone as possible but attachment to one causes emotional suffering.Β 

Why do we please others? What do we want from them? What can they give us?

All of the above is what we desire. Desire is our ego. This is what our mind wants. Our mind wants this, in order to be kept entertained. It thinks, if these people don't give me what I want, I will be miserably upsetΒ  or others will look down on me.

We spend our entire life pleasing others, forming groups etc and go on upsetting others as we wish. Through all of this, we feel we have gained eternal happiness. We struggle to realise, we have not gained eternal happiness, we have actually loaded our self with more suffering.

What is the reason for this?

In the end no one is going to be there for you. It's just going to be your mind, body and soul. No one will be there to support us in the end. Not many stick and support us in major times of suffering, never mind when we leave this earth. Not many will except our pain and suffering. Most are only there for the happy times. All these wants, desires, pleasing others etc are a massive temporary measure. We create them to pull us through life happily. Even then they don't do the job correctly for us, as we always want more and want to please others further.

Many talk a big talk saying, "We are best friends and we'l be there til the very last breath." These are mere words for most to fill each other's void. When people move on they take their promises with them. This is the nature of the mind. People grow apart and out grow one another.

There are not many people in this world who keep their word or value true friendship in the way it should be valued. People can very easily replace you as a friend and many don't feel bad in doing so either. The reason for this is they have not recognised their own soul to even come anywhere close to recognising and truly loving anyone else's.

Only Naam meditation will truly support us in connecting with our soul and truly recognising all as one. Then we will begin to realise, we don't need to please others, we only need to please God, who will in return keep us loving, happy, content, truthful and ecstatic in this life and the spirit life.

Once the mind is balanced and conquered, to control emotions is child's play. The mind can live in whichever state it wants, when controlled by Naam meditation.Β 

So guys, don't please others, only please your Guru and see how your life changes for the better. Guru Ji will not let his children down.

"If you live for people acceptance, you will die from their rejection." Lecrae.

Guru Arjun Dev Ji Says, "Meeting the True Guru, all my sufferings have ended, and the Peace of the Lord has come to dwell within my mind.
The Divine Light illuminates my inner being, and I am lovingly absorbed in the One."

