Ragi Harcharan Singh (Hazooree Ragi Darbar Sahib Vale- performs singing of Gods praises at the Golden Temple Amritsar), spoke beautifully the other day. 

He was doing Seva (service at Gurdwara), a Sikh came to him and said, "Please perform the shabad 'Gobind Preet Lagee Ath Pyaaree,' I would really appreciate it." 
Ragi ji said, "Satbachan (definitely will), I will do it in a few days for you." The man was very thankful and went home. 

The man came back in a few days and very politely asked Ragi ji, if he had forgotten to perform his shabad. Ragi ji very humbly apologised and promised he would sing it beautifully in a couple of days. 

The day had come, Ragi ji could not find the shabad anywhere. He looked in Amrit Kirtan Pothee (book with kirtan shabads) many times. It was 1994 so no smart phones. 1hr remained, he looked in the tatkra (contents) of Guru Granth Sahib Ji three times. He could not find the shabad anywhere. He became very worried, as he gave his word to the sikh (a Sikhs word is his life). 

Just 30 minutes remained, he could only turn to his Guru. He begged his Guru for an answer through the Hukumnama (random search of shabad in GGSJ). He opened the GGSJ randomly with love and respect, to great surprise, there was the shabad on page 607. Bhai Sahib Ji cried for 10 minutes and could not believe how his Guru kept the laaj (honour & word) of his Sikh. (GGSJ has 1430 pages-angs) 

When I heard this story, I took many teachings away from it. The love and faith Bhai Sahib ji had for his Guru was immense, how Bhai Sahib Ji wanted to keep his word and most of all, how our Guru will always be there for us until the end of the road, only if our faith in Guru Ji is unmovable. 

"Gobind Preet Lagee Ath Pyaaree" - The Love of God is very dear to me.
