Game of love- SPEECH


"Tender speech fosters the bond Of love."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

No one wants to listen to a bad tempered person. Always speak gently with others. You will notice how receptive people become to your points of view, if your words are tender and kind. 

Why is the above true? Nobody likes listening to angry people, the negative energy passed through them makes everyone around them negative. Its hard to let your soul fly, when something is weighing it down. 

On the other hand, people love listening to a tender speaking person. The reason for this is, most of us have no peace within us so when someone speaks to us in a tender voice, the peace is felt from that person. We feel calm, relaxed and more at peace. When the mind is balanced and at peace, ones speech naturally becomes soft, sweet and tender. When one speaks, it feels loving and fresh to the listener. The listener feels a connection. The reason for this is, tender loving speech is only developed through constant meditation on Vaheguroo's (Gods) name, creating a balanced mind. Then, when one speaks, they speak pure, loving, soft, gentle and truthful words, through their spirit. These words then touch the spirit of the listener, which fosters the bond of love through speech.

Guru Nanak Dev Ji says, Only their speech is true, tender and loving, who act by loving and remembering Vaheguroo. 

"O Nanak, false is the speech of one who acts without loving Vaheguroo"
