Game of love 384- SLANDER


"Slandering others amounts to putting filth into ones own mouth."

Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1469-1539

Slander can never lead to good. Simply avoid denigrating others. Accept the good and bad in all. 

How does slandering others generate filth in our own mouth? When we talk and slander others, people will listen but one will never be trusted by anyone. Our mouth will always be full of negative words (filth). Slander is a habit which dies very hard and is contagious to all. We don't want to be the root cause of slanderers slandering. 

We only slander others when we are insecure in ourself. If we were happy, content and at peace with our inner-self, we would never slander anyone. If we saw all as one and saw all as a part of our human family, we would never slander. 

What causes us to slander? There are many reasons: Boredom, a wandering mind, taking things personal, misinterpretation, misunderstanding, insecurity, desire, impatience, intolerance, grief, anger, lust, attachment, personal ego, jealousy, selfishness and the list goes on. 

If all of the above was replaced by love, contentment, compassion, truth, patience, tolerance, forgiveness, kindness, open mindedness and most of all faith, we would never slander again. 

Guru Arjun Dev Ji says, "Vaheguroo (God) causes slanderers to lose their honour. Their tongue and ears are a sleep, they carry the load of others for nothing. In the end their face is blackened."

Through constant meditation on Gods Naam, ones mind is purified and saved from slander. 

We don't want to be known as slanderers! 
