Game of love 377- WITHOUT THE TRUE GURU


Guru Amardas ji says, they alone are a sikh, a friend, a relative and a sibling, who walk in the way of the Guru's will. Guru sahib ji then goes on to say, one who walks according to their own will by using their own mind, rather than the Guru's teachings suffers separation from Vaheguroo and will be punished. In the same Shabad, Guru Ji goes on to say, without the True Guru peace is never obtained, they regret and repent again and again. They say, it's only the lords slaves that remain happy at all times. Their countless sins are eradicated through meditation on Vaheguroo's name. Vaheguroo looks after them and unites them in Gods Union himself. 

When I read shabads (teachings) like the above, I feel so blessed to be a sikh. Guru sahib ji has blessed his mercy on us. We shouldn't waste this human life. 

Find good sangat and begin to purify your mind through the blessed, True Guru's teachings. 

"Those who eat and dress without serving the True Guru die; after death, those wretched lepers are consigned to reincarnation."

Guru Amardas Ji 1479-1574
