Game of love 337- GOOD CONDUCT


"If you seek the path of good conduct, forsake greed, and do not look upon another's property and women."

Bhagat Jaidev Ji 12th Century

Good conduct will never go out of fashion. Avoid materialism and envy and act in a way such that peace and contentment surround each and every act you perform. 

We are blessed to be Sikhs of the Guru. If we perform wrongful acts, it is like a gaal (swear) to the Guru, as they are performed in Guru Ji's roop. All women/men are our mothers/fathers, sisters/brothers, daughters/sons. 

When we act in righteousness and conduct ourselves in a kind, loving and positive manner, this energy is recognised by the world and Guru Ji is given the praise for it. The more we act in peace and love, the more Sikhi spreads in to the masses! 

When Naam meditation is recited within us, we will always conduct ourself in a peace, loving way. Soon as it leaves the lips, the mind runs wild, goes astray and negative thoughts begin to control our mind, which forces us to conduct ourselves in a negative way. 

All praise is Guru Ji's, none is ours, as the roop and gift of spiritual Sikhi is Guru Ji's 

Guru Nanak Dev Ji Says, "Aachaar thoo veechaar aapae har naam sa(n)jam jap thapo. Sakhaa sain piaar preetham naam har kaa jap japo."
Reflect on your own self, and so practice good conduct; chant the Name of the Lord as your self-discipline and meditation.
The Name of the Lord is your Companion, Friend and Dear Beloved; chant it, and meditate on it. 
