"Binaa ana(n)dh bivaah thae bhugathae par kee joe, sun sikhaa gur kehi thhaakae maeraa sikh n soe."
Without having Anand Karaj those who have sexual relationships. Listen O' Sikh the Guru states, he is not my Sikh.
Rehatnama Mukhthnama!

Is there anything else we need to add to the above? It is perfectly clear! The Rehitnama can not be any clearer. 

We are only in this roop (human form) to remember God (Vaheguroo) at all times and with every single breath we breathe. We are in this roop to be liberated and see God in all. We are here only to meet our beloved Vaheguroo!

Many of us have gotten ourselves in the rut of forming worldly relationships, sexual desire and lusting over men/women. There is only one reason for this; We struggle to control our emotions, desires which link heavily to not being able to control this animal like mind. We struggle to handle the worldly pressures our friends and colleagues put on us. We struggle to say no and end up selling all our morals before them. We are somebody else at home and someone totally different outside the house. We cheat ourselves and become totally dishonest to our soul. Until we recognise our soul and are extremely truthful to it, we will never be happy. 

If we understood the Sikhi way of life and what we are here to do, we would never make these silly mistakes. Most of us are very selfish in our approach to life. We only do what pleases us and that what we enjoy. This is all we get ras (enjoyment) from. 

The beauty about Sikhi is; if we practise it right, by remembering God with our every breath, then there is no bigger fulfilment or joy to ones inner and outer being. We have struggled to realise what Sikhi actually is and what it does for our mind and if practised properly, how it serves the universe through our actions and presence. 

When we begin to realise, all are our mothers, sisters and daughters and vice versa, until Guru Sahib Ji blesses us with the marriage of Anand (bliss), then this is half the mental battle won. This is when Guru Sahib Ji has blessed us with the higher intuition/wisdom and this is the time our animal like mind is contented and controlled by the Guru's teachings. 

Sikhi is a beautiful path that the whole world will tread on very soon. Many are beginning to realise its uniqueness and how it has purified the minds of many. 

In life, if we want to achieve something huge, many sacrifices have to be made. We have to think and act according to our Guru and fight all the small battles the mind throws our way. Once we begin to realise this mind is trying to beat us and we begin to defeat it with the weapons of Guru's Shabad (mantra), this is when the mind becomes our best friend and fills our entire being with Vaheguroo's love. 

This love can not be matched by any individual, this love never diminishes, this love is limitless, it is an endless see of water. Whoever comes our way and in contact with a spiritual Sikh, experiences the love of God to become a beautiful, spiritual Sikh of the blessed pure Guru. 

Guru Amardas Ji Says, "Eik kaaman hithakaaree maaeiaa mohi piaaree manamukh soe rehae abhaagae || naanak sehajae saevehi gur apanaa sae poorae vaddabhaagae."
Some are lovers of beautiful young women; emotional attachment to Maya is very dear to them. The unfortunate self-willed manmukhs remain asleep. O Nanak, those who intuitively serve their Guru, have perfect destiny.
