Game of love 310- JEWELLERY & MAKE-UP


"Suramaadhik shi(n)gaar nehi(n) nehi(n) par tharunee sa(n)gi."
Do not wear make-up or jewellery. Do not commit adultery. Rehatnama Bhai Daya Singh Jee. 

In the Sikh Code of Conduct, Sikhs are asked not to wear jewellery or makeup. What's the reason for this? Why would a beautiful soul want to wear make-up or jewellery? Does jewellery make us more beautiful? Does make-up make us look more attractive? The answer is no! 

Just because we wear something expensive around our neck or on our fingers, does not mean people will be attracted to us. Who are we trying to please? Nobody cares! 

People think they look prettier and better looking with make-up on. This is not true. A Guru's Sikh or any normal individual, always looks better in their natural form. 

We spend most our life pleasing others but the one we should have originally pleased we totally disregard. 

When one wears the make-up of compassion and the jewellery of love, who is going to define this person as not being attractive or beautiful. You could meet a person, adorned in priceless amounts of jewellery and the most expensive make-up, but then if you stood the most simplest Naam (meditation) imbued Sikh next to them, with their face lit in the lally (redness) of Guru Ji's name and their eyes and face shining with the virtues of love, compassion, contentment, peace, happiness forgiveness, truth, righteousness, kindness and patience; who will look the most captivating? 

We just have to imagine this situation. When our mind is pure with Gods name and our energy and aura is being spread throughout our ecstatic beings, our most attractive smiles, which light the lives of many and those that come in to contact with them, our sweet speech, which cresses the listeners ears and our humble nature, which only people will fall instantly and lay in front of; realistically, which person with the wealthiest makeup and jewellery will even come close? 

Let's wear these masks on the inside and let's come to see how the world loves you on the outside! 

Guru Ramdas Ji Says, "Parehar kaparr jae pir milai khusee raavai pir sa(n)g || sadhaa seegaaree naao man kadhae n mail patha(n)g ||
Discarding worldly adornments, she meets her Husband Lord, and she celebrates joyfully with Him. She is adorned forever with the Name in her mind, and she does not have even an iota of filth."

Vaheguroo Ji is in love with this type of soul and gives them his all! 
