Game of love 299- I'M EXHAUSTED


"Ab ham chalee t(h)aakur pehi haar ||
Now, I have come, exhausted, to my Lord and Master."

In this Shabad Guru Ramdas Ji says, he has become exhausted. He doesn't know what else to do. Guru Ji just wants to be accepted now by God. We all know Guru Ji is all powerful and one with God. Guru Ji has written this in their humility. This shabad is written to show us how humble we should be towards Vaheguroo. 

Guru Sahib Ji goes on to say, he has come to your sanctuary Vaheguroo Ji, please save him or kill him. Our life is not worth living without Vaheguroo. The love and power of Vaheguroo is too strong and powerful to live without. "Jab ham saran prabhoo kee aaee raakh prabhoo bhaavai maar."

Again these are teachings for us. Guru sahib Ji goes on to say, he has burned in the worlds clever devices and praises. No matter how hard we try, we will never be able to satisfy the world. Most people in the world are out to please themselves or their families. "Lokan kee chathuraaee oupamaa thae baisa(n)thar jaar."

Guru Sahib Ji says, they have got to the stage where they are not bothered if people speak ill about them or praise them. They have surrendered their all to Vaheguroo, as this is the only substance in which will save us. "Koee bhalaa keho bhaavai buraa keho ham than dheeou hai dtaar."

Guru Sahib Ji is so amazing. He has made it clear to us in this line, that anyone who comes truly to the sanctuary of Guru Ji will be saved by Vaheguroo. Guru Ji will never let down their devotees. "Jo aavath saran t(h)aakur prabh thumaree this raakhahu kirapaa dhhaar."

Guru Sahib Ji is miraculously humble! He goes on to say, "The Guru Servant has entered your sanctuary dear lord, please save him by your merciful grace. "Jan naanak saran thumaaree har jeeo raakhahu laaj muraar."

Where will we ever find a Guru as pure and perfect as Guru Ramdas Ji? Yet we choose to be Guruless! 
